Ice Shelf Bigger Than Manhattan Could Be About To Break From Antarctica

Photo credit: Nansen Ice Shelf and the crack, taken by Landsat 8 on December 16, 2015. USGS Antarctic scientists have documented ice shelves disintegrating from the southern continent at an unprecedente...

Letter to President Hollande

In the aftermath of the 13 November Paris terror attacks, the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) wrote to President Hollande. The open letter from the week after the attacks is now published in full below, in English and in French. (You can also read our public statement on the attacks.) Dear Mr President, I write to [...]

Dinosaur Survived A Record Number Of Bone Fractures

Photo credit: Leandra Walters An artist's impression showing the multiple injury points. You should have seen the other guy! Two paleontologists have uncovered evidence that a...

Atheist of the Year Award 2016, Poland

Atheist of the Year Award 2016 Call for nominations (open February 1st, 2016) We are pleased to announce that, for the third time already, the Atheist...

Study Suggests Getting Circumcised Doesn’t Make Your Wiener Less Sensitive After All

Health and Medicine Photo credit: Circumcision is a topic that often splits opinions. andrey_l/Shutterstock Getting the snip is a touchy subject, but a new study into the tactile receptiveness of pruned peckers has...

$1bn Bank Heist Foiled By A Rather Hilarious Mistake

Photo credit: Hurst Photo/Shutterstock When there’s billions of dollars on the table and you’ve been snooping around the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, make sure you...

In the News: Defend Salman Rushdie Against Iranian Fatwa and Bounty

In Defence of Salman Rushdie, Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB), 2016-02-25 We […] are outraged to learn that forty state-run media outlets in Iran have raised $600,000 (£420,000) to add as bounty to Ayatollah Khomeini’s death fatwa on the...

This Week in Science (Feb. 21 – 28)

This is a collection of the 10 best and most popular stories from science and technology over the past 7 days. Scroll down and...

Christy Sheats Supporter Causes Christians to Speak Out

With so many views on Christianity in America, it's hard to know where Christians as a whole stand on any issue. In the mass...

Arctic Sea Ice Sets New Record Low For This Time Of Year

Photo credit: tuthelens/Shuttersock The arctic is warming much quicker than the rest of the planet. Last year it was reported that the Arctic is warming twice as...