Roy’s Final Speech as an IHEU Delegate

As a delegate of the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) at the United Nations over a 12 year period, former Head of Delegation, Roy Brown,...

Europe stands with Bangladeshi atheists at Solidarity Book Fair in The Hague

Secular bloggers who fled Bangladesh in fear for their lives, and two survivors of machete attacks, joined human rights organizations at the Bangladesh Solidarity Book Fair...

Freedom of Thought Report 2015

Today the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) is launching the Freedom of Thought Report 2015 at the European Parliament in Brussels, and around the world via The 2015 edition of the report documents how persecution of the non-religious has escalated in the past year. There has been a rise in extrajudicial violence, and in several states harsher [...]

Psychiatric detention and charges against atheist show “Soviet era abuse of psychiatry, apparently alive...

An atheist in Russia, Viktor Krasnov (38) faces the threat of jail time for saying online that, “There is no god” and the Bible is...

Creationism is dead in Iceland

0.0% of Icelanders aged 25 or younger believe that “God” created the world, according to a new poll. The finding comes from a survey commissioned by the Icelandic Ethical Humanist Association,  Siðmennt, (an IHEU Member Organization). The poll found that 93.9% of young Icelanders assent to the Big Bang theory. 6.1% weren’t sure, or had other ideas, and 0.0% of respondents [...]

$250,000 Shark-Spotting Drone Debuts In Australia

Photo credit: Andrea Izzotti/Shutterstock A great white, one of the types of shark spotted off the coast of New South Wales. Although the chance of dying...

In the News: Defend Salman Rushdie Against Iranian Fatwa and Bounty

In Defence of Salman Rushdie, Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB), 2016-02-25 We […] are outraged to learn that forty state-run media outlets in Iran have raised $600,000 (£420,000) to add as bounty to Ayatollah Khomeini’s death fatwa on the...

Arctic Sea Ice Sets New Record Low For This Time Of Year

Photo credit: tuthelens/Shuttersock The arctic is warming much quicker than the rest of the planet. Last year it was reported that the Arctic is warming twice as...

Notice of IHEU General Assembly 2016

The IHEU General Assembly 2016 will take place on Sunday 22nd May 2016, in Valletta, the beautiful fortress city and capital of Malta. The GA will take place from 0900 – 1700 at the Grand Hotel Excelsior ( The hotel is located on the edge of Valletta, and there are a number of smaller inexpensive hotels in the area. [...]

Candidate Without a Prayer, pg 151

“I observed that allowing only one point of view on campus reflected poorly on any academic institution. Had the administration at the College of Charleston objected to the religion professor speaking a my institution, I would have fought it and ...