Write for Secular Press

Are you on the bleeding edge of secular happenings? Do you live on java (the kind you drink) and RSS feeds and twitter feeds and whatever feeds you can consume at 1:00am? Do you have great ideas or opinions or solutions? Are you an activist? Do you follow certain tracks so closely you could be hired to consult? Tell us about yourself. What motivates you? How will you handle the success of being a writer for the world’s most popular secular media outlet? Attach a resume which highlights your writing career. Or provide us with some links we can follow to your contributions to the world.

If you run a personal blog and are short on extra time to write articles just for us, we can get pull articles right from your blog and have them inserted in Secular press for a wider audience to enjoy. If you want us to harvest your word farm, just include your:

  • Blog web address
  • Name is as it will be shown on your articles
  • Your bio (or link to your bio)
  • Facebook personal/page address
  • Twitter address
  • The words “harvest my word farm” in the message body

We’ll be sure to make you look good and send readers your way.

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