Internal vs. external critiques of christianity from the perspective of one atheist
Any atheist, who spends even an iota of time in the noble project of engaging theists in dialogue, will quickly learn to appreciate the...
Presuppositionalism and The Transendental Argument for God
Presuppositionalism is a style of christian apologetics that draws inspiration from Calvinism, and is unique in that presupps, for the most part, employ a...
The Sucker’s Bet – Pascal’s Wager Revisited
I know I didn't actually sign up for this argument but since no one, as of yet, had added a file on this topic...
Kalam Cosmological Argument for God
Rev 1.1
As far as Kalam goes, I think short of obtaining a much clearer definition of “existence” we can easily reject the theist’s entire...