The Silencing of Atheists on Facebook
I had heard of people being banned for saying silly things like "Bob doesn't believe in God" and I figured people were simply exaggerating...
Surviving Easter
Here we are at the Vernal/March/spring equinox doing something humans have been doing since long before the Abrahamic religions. We are celebrating the coming...
Debating Skill Tip: Equivocation/Conflation
I've seen both sides use this as intentional rhetoric, in error, and also mistaking the terms when attempting to call someone out on committing...
Atheism FAQ
There seems to be quite a bit of confusion about the word "atheism" among theists. In order for theists and atheists to conduct meaningful...
Why is Evolution so Hard to Accept?
A friend of mine who regularly finds himself locked in deep discussion in defense of reason from militant Christian fundamentalists recently sent me a...
Behe’s Bleak Hoax
In a live radio discussion in which I was a guest, the host had referenced a book entitled "Darwin's Black Box" as a source...
Word Definition: Atheism
What I find particularly frustrating is how people will willfully ignore the true meaning of a word which quite literally defines itself. Atheism is...
God Killer
God is being killed by a new weapon devised by the very humans who seek to animate God. This God-killer is called "theophilosophy." It...
If I only didn’t have a brain
A Christian recently responded to a question of whether hell is a place of eternal torment by reflecting:
I sometimes imagine hell as being pure isolation...
Arrogance: A true problem for a false belief
What I have learned thus far by participating in discussion groups online is that the very rigid theists are the most averse of knowledge. Not all...