The finding of Silver and Coleman in their study on atheists in the CNN article Behold, the 6 types of atheists did not tell us anything we didn’t already know about human nature in general. You can apply their findings to just about any type of person and it still holds true. Why the need to make atheists the subject? Why not pedestrians? Here is my “study” on pedestrians:
In a recent study conducted by researchers, 6 distinct types of pedestrians have been identified. “Most people who spend any time among pedestrians will most likely have encounter every type at one time or another. And as the interest in walking and running grows, we may see as many as 32 different types of pedestrians within 50 years or so,” say researchers.
Here are the 6 pedestrian types identified in the recent study:
1) Intellectual pedestrian
This type of pedestrian seeks information and intellectual stimulation about walking and running.
They like debating and arguing, particularly on popular Internet sites.
They’re also well-versed in books and articles about walking and running, and prone to citing those works frequently.
2) Activist
These kinds of pedestrians are not content with just rejecting motorized vehicles; they want to tell others why they reject them and why society would be better off if we all did likewise.
They tend to be vocal about political causes like global warming, organic foods, public safety, and the care of animals.
3) Seeker
This group is made up of people who are unsure about how dangerous motor vehicles are but keep an open mind and recognize the limits of human knowledge and experience.
This group can be described as people who regularly question their own reasons for walking and “do not hold a firm ideological position,” say researchers.
That doesn’t mean this group is confused, the researchers say. They just embrace uncertainty.
4) Anti-Motor vehicleist
This group regularly speaks out against motor vehicles, usually by positioning themselves as diametrically opposed to automobile accidents and pollution”
“Anti-motor vehicleists view drivers of cars, trucks, and motorcycles as ignorant of the glaring problems and see any individual or institution associated with them as backward and socially detrimental,” the researchers wrote. “The anti-motor vehicleist has a clear and – in their view, superior – understanding of the limitations and danger of motor vehicles.”
Anti-motor vehicleists are outspoken, devoted and – at times – confrontational about their disdain for motor vehicles. They believe that “obvious harm caused by accidents and pollution should be aggressively addressed in some form or another.”
5) Non-Motor vehicleist
The smallest group among the six are the non-motor vehicleists, people who do not involve themselves with either walking or driving.
In many cases, this comes across as apathy or disinterest.
“A non-motor vehicleist simply does not concern him or herself with motor vehicles,” researchers wrote. “Motor vehicles play no role or issue in one’s consciousness or worldview; nor does a non- motor vehicleist have concern for the pedestrian movement.”
They continue: “They simply do not believe motor vehicles are practical, and in the same right, their absence of interest means the absence of anything motor-related in any form from their mental space.”
6) Ritual pedestrian
They don’t believe in motor vehicles, they don’t associate with drivers, and they tend to believe there is no no good reason to be a driver, but the sixth type of pedestrian still finds useful the teachings of some motor vehicle laws.
“They see these as more or less philosophical teachings of how to drive carefully and respectfully and achieve happiness than simply going somewhere,” researchers wrote. “For example, these individuals may participate in specific cross walk rituals, new car ceremonies, musical opportunities, meditation, yoga classes, or race day traditions.”
For many of these pedestrians, their adherence to ritual may stem from family traditions. For others, its a personal connection to, or respect for, the “profound symbolism” inherent within driving and racing rituals and ceremonies, according the researchers.
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